Berlin Golf Club Stolper Heide e.V.

Friendly - Sporty - Close

Only 25 min. from Kurfürstendamm, this facility in the north of Berlin offers golf at a high level. It comprises two 18-hole courses designed by Bernhard Langer. The west course features gentle bumps that nestle into the mature trees, while the east course with its roughs and bunkers is modeled on a Scottish links course and conveys the vastness of the Stolper Heide.



Golf Club Stolper Heide Berlin e.V.
Am Golfplatz 1 - 16540 Hohen Neuendorf OT Stolpe

Phone: +49 (0) 33 03 / 54 92 14

Fax: +49 (0) 33 03 / 54 92 22

E-mail: info (at)



Greenfee prices 2024

Mon. till Fri.: 80,00 EUR 18-hole (50,00 EUR 9-hole)

Weekend & holidays: 110,00 EUR 18-hole (70,00 EUR 9-hole)


You can find more information about the prices here.