Playing golf in a beautyful setting
The golf course offers a fantastic backdrop, nestled between an imposing moated castle from the 14th century and the picturesque Anholter Schweiz nature reserve with a game reserve. The 18-hole course delights with wild herb meadows, ponds, river courses and an impressive, centuries-old tree landscape, which make the game an unforgettable experience. The 6-hole short course along the Issel offers beginners and experienced golfers alike ideal practice opportunities - without a license to play and with the option of hiring clubs. Guests are cordially invited to discover golf for themselves.
Kurzplatzsiegel - Kategorie: GOLD
Kurzplatzsiegel - Kategorie: GOLD
Phone: +49 (0) 28 74 / 91 51 20
Greenfee prices 2024
Mon. till Fri.: 80,00 EUR 18-hole (45,00 EUR 9-hole)
Weekend & holidays: 100,00 EUR 18-hole (60,00 EUR 9-hole)