Pure Golf Enthusiasm at Gut Thailing
It is with pride and enthusiasm that we welcome you to the golf course Thailing. Our beautiful course with its magnificent far-reaching view of the Bavarian-Austrian Alpine scenery presents itself in a completely new light thanks to the fresh impetus of the last few years.
Thailing 2.0, as we like to call it, is the result of an absolutely new overall concept to meet the sophisticated demands of our members and the many out-of-town guests, but also the spirit of the times. In doing so, we have raised the complete performance and service package that golfers expect today to a new level. Thus, the acceptance of a relaxed dress code on the course and in the clubhouse creates the basis for a fresh and lively interaction between members and guests. This attitude is also reflected in our average age, which is well below 50. Thus, a balanced mix between the golfing generations has a particularly positive effect.
As part of the realization of this concept, we have rebuilt the driving range with the perfectly equipped Golf Performance Center as well as the short game area with 3 pitching/chipping greens and 2 putting greens, thus significantly expanding the playing and practice possibilities for you. A very special highlight of our facility is the 6-hole short course, which allows you to play a quick round and hone your stroke technique with short distances. In addition, beginners can put what they have learned into practice right after their first lessons on the course.
We have paid a lot of attention to the beautification of the fairways of the 18-hole course, including the optimization of the greens and maintenance of the old trees. But the heart of Thailing Golf Course beats in our newly designed clubhouse, which is in architectural harmony with the traditional buildings of the estate. A very exclusive gem is our incomparably harmoniously integrated into the landscape sun terrace. Sitting here, with a unique view of the 10th and 18th holes, and being wonderfully served is a wonderful experience - a real "coming home".
Phone: +49 (0) 80 94 / 90 55 00
Fax: +49 (0) 8094 / 90 55 09 9
E-mail: info (at) golfplatz-thailing.de
Web: www.golfplatz-thailing.de
Greenfee prices 2024
Mon. till Fri.: 75,00 EUR 18-hole (45,00 EUR 9-hole)
Mon. till Fri. Sundowner from 16:00 p.m.: 50,00 EUR 18-hole
Weekend & holidays: 90,00 EUR 18-hole (60,00 EUR 9-hole)
Weekend & holidays Sundowner from 16:00 p.m.: 65,00 EUR 18-hole