Gut Rieden


Here is the paradise for golfers

Gut Rieden is located on an ice-age moraine hill about 2.8 km north of the city center of Starnberg at an altitude of 635 meters and thus about 50 meters above the level of Lake Starnberg. Enjoy the unique location of Gut Rieden. An unforgettable panorama awaits you with views over the Leutstettener Moos, Lake Starnberg and the Upper Bavarian Alps. Golf on generously laid out fairways, surrounded by the silence of nature.


The 18-hole championship course has the reputation to be sportive demanding but fair due to its different locations. Difficult par-3 holes alternate with easy par-4 or long par-5 holes. But even these so-called "easy" courses have their challenges in the form of sand and water hazards.


The public 9-hole course can also be played without a home club. Here, tight par-3 and par-4 holes, which require concentrated play and clean shots, make up the attraction of the course, as does the time aspect, since the 9-hole round can be played in as little as 90 minutes.



Gut Rieden
Gut Rieden - 82319 Starnberg

Phone: +49 (0) 81 51 / 90 77 0

Fax: +49 (0) 81 51 / 90 77 11

E-mail: info (at)



Greenfee prices 2024

Mon. till Fri.: 75,00 EUR 18-hole (29,00 EUR 9-hole)

Weekend & holidays: 100,00 EUR 18-hole (40,00 EUR 9-hole)


You can find more information about the prices here.