Das Achental


Enjoy a wishfully happy time in the most beautiful golf region of Germany

Relaxed silence. Active movement in nature. Getting your head free from everyday life... You can see for yourself that golfing makes you happy on our 18-hole championship course, which is directly adjacent to our resort. Generously laid out greens and tees, interestingly modeled fairways and large lakes as well as natural meadows with old trees make up the special charm of the course, which was designed for us by the internationally renowned golf course architect Thomas Himmel.


For golfing pleasure in any weather, a driving range with 20 rain-protected teeing grounds as well as a trackman simulator are at your disposal. Improve your golf game in our PGA Premium Golf School and enjoy our Fitting Center in cooperation with HiO Fitting. On the training areas with fairway bunkers, slopes, pyramids and different grass heights you train under all the exciting conditions that golf has in store.


... have a nice game ...



Das Achental
Mietenkamer Str. 65 - 83224 Grassau

Phone: +49 (0) 86 41 / 40 10

E-mail: shangel (at) das-achental.com

Web: www.das-achental.com

Instagram: Follow us on Das Achental Golf


Greenfee prices 2023

High Season - from 16.05. till 15.10.2023

Mon. till Thu.: 110,00 EUR 18-hole

Fri., weekend & holidays: 145,00 EUR 18-hole

Mon. till Sun. (and holidays)*: 80,00 EUR 9-hole


Low Season - until 15.05. / from 16.10.2023

Mon. till Thu.: 135,00 EUR 18-hole

Fri., weekend & holidays: 100,00 EUR 18-hole

Mon. till Sun. (and holidays)*: 80,00 EUR 9-hole


*only bookable from 13:00 p.m. or on request


You can find more information about the prices here.