Golf Club Ebersberg e.V.

Golf made easy - Unique panorama

Alpine panorama in the distance and a curious deer at the tee - Welcome to Ebersberg Golf Club.

Only 30 km east of Munich, one of the most beautiful golf courses in the region awaits you with mountain views and pure nature. On an area of more than 100 hectares, everyday life is quickly forgotten and you can enjoy your game with all your senses. The 27-hole course is carefully integrated into a natural topography with hills, depressions, extensive forests, biotopes and ponds and has been awarded the environmental prize of the German Golf Association. Incidentally, the course was designed by landscape architect Wolfgang Barth and the then German amateur champion Thomas Himmel, who is now in international demand in the field of golf design and creates fantastic golf courses.



Golf Club Ebersberg e.V.
Zaißing 6 - 85643 Steinhöring

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Phone: +49 (0) 80 94 / 81 06

Fax: +49 (0) 80 94 / 83 86

E-mail: info (at)



Greenfee prices 2023

Mon. till Thu. and Fri. until 12:00: 80,00 EUR 18-hole (45,00 EUR 9-hole)

Fri. from 12:00 o'clock, weekend & holidays: 90,00 EUR 18-hole


You can find more information about the prices here.

Short place seal - Category: GOLD

The Golf club Ebersberg e.V. has beside the 4 star golf course also a classified public short course in the category GOLD.


You can find more information about the classified short course here.